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Answers to the Self-Assessment Questionnaire

These answers in the table below are not absolute. Some of the twenty-six intuitive questions can be related to more than one skill. Use this key to generally understand which are your developed or often used intuitive skills; and which are your and quiet and less used intuitive skills. With practice and attention you can develop all of these skills.

For further clarification, refer to Chapter 2, Indications of Intuitive Awareness in your course study book Body of Health by Dr Francesca McCartney.

1. Clairaudience: N, O.
2. Clairsentience: E, F, G, H, L, O, P, V.
3. Clairvoyance: I, M, Q, V, W.
4. Knowing: A, B, C, F, I, J, T, U, V.
5. Precognition: I, S, T, V, Y, Z.
6. Psychometry: F, J, H, K, X.
7. Telepathy: B, R, Y.

“Imagination is more important than knowledge.”
~ Albert Einstein

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