Module 11: Intuition Medicine®: Prosperity and Spiritual Abundance


Module 11 teaches one how to cultivate prosperity, health, and spiritual abundance in life. The tools learned can be used for assessment and energy healing.

Prosperity and Spiritual Abundance: How affirmations and positive thought affect health and well-being and create new thinking patterns.


Module 11 teaches one how to cultivate prosperity, health, and spiritual abundance in their lives. The tools learned can be used for assessment and energy healing. Prosperity and Spiritual Abundance: How affirmations and positive thought affect health and well-being and create new thinking patterns.

Topics introduced include:

  • Potential of the 8th chakra for expanding possibilities
  • Affirmations for Prosperity in all aspects of Life
  • Cultivating Prosperous intentions
  • Experiencing the power of self-love

Lesson Plan

  • Lesson 1:  8th Chakra Creative Soul*utions
  • Lesson 2:  Prosperity and Spiritual Abundance – Energy Follows Your Thoughts
  • Lesson 3:  Success and Challenges toward Prosperity and Living in Spiritual Abundance
  • Lesson 4:  Embracing and Becoming Your Prosperous, Spiritual Self

Subscription Details

You are purchasing a course subscription period of 8 weeks. A discounted course renewal rate of 50% is available to students repeating this module. Read more about our pricing in our FAQs.

* Due to the isolation requirements going on around the world, we have added an additional 4 weeks to all subscriptions.