Module 4: Intuition Medicine®: Basics of Energy Medicine Online Course


This module provides the practitioner with tools to help change the physiology of their bodies using meditation, allowing one to play a greater role in their healing. This module presents advanced levels of the grounding, chakra, and aura systems and how to affect them with healing energies. Additionally, there is discussion of how to manage the energy of recurrent personal cycles. This type of exploration can lead to more transformative energy treatments and deeper healing. Clinically, this can help with long-standing chronic mental and physical health issues.


This module provides the practitioner with tools to help change the physiology of their bodies using meditation, allowing one to play a greater role in their healing. This module presents advanced levels of the grounding, chakra, and aura systems and how to affect them with healing energies. Additionally, there is discussion of how to manage the energy of recurrent personal cycles. This type of exploration can lead to more transformative energy treatments and deeper healing. Clinically, this can help with long-standing chronic mental and physical health issues.

Topics introduced include:

  • Advanced Diagnostics and Mapping of Grounding, Aura, and Chakra Systems
  • Energy Contracts: Lessons, Karma, Personal Path
  • Reincarnation: Personal Cycles and the Present Now

Join live video Intuition Medicine® healing sessions

AIMO/MIM PANELS are live video remote panels giving an opportunity for AIMO students to work with faculty and meet other students for peer support, to practice and develop Intuition Medicine® tools and share their unique gifts in a live, present time container and build community. These are provided as an additional learning opportunity when you enter Module 4 of the Master Certification in Intuition Medicine® (MIM) program.

What to expect: In this virtual classroom AIMO faculty will be moderating the sessions. There will be two panels a month, scheduled dates will vary. Participation the first time is free, then a $20 donation per panel.

Lesson Plan

  • Advanced Diagnostics and Mapping of Grounding, Aura, and Chakra Systems
  • Energy Contracts: Lessons, Karma, Personal Path
  • Reincarnation: Personal Cycles and the Present Now

Subscription Details

You are purchasing a course subscription period of 10 weeks. A discounted course renewal rate of 50% is available to students repeating this module. Read more about our pricing in our FAQs.

* Due to the isolation requirements going on around the world, we have added an additional 4 weeks to all subscriptions.